Live Flavorfully


seasonal allergy blend, photo by Autumn K. Dube

What does it mean to live life flavorfully? Anything you want really. I know, technically flavorfully isn’t a word, but it resonates with me in so many ways. It feels rich in color, authenticity, and sounds like a purposeful way to live one’s life naturally – so obviously I’m all about it.

This word came to me when I was trying to find a way to express how it feels to live a life guided by natural essential oils, specifically doTERRA brand. This is a new venture I am taking on and am genuinely excited about. It’s a simple way to improve your quality of life, aid your ailments both big and small, boost your mood, and overall become more grounded by replacing the toxic products we have integrated into our everyday routines with ones directly from nature.

I was hesitant for a few months to even begin to start sharing my knowledge and reaching out to others about essential oils. I don’t want to be one of those annoying Facebook friends who pushes vitamins or protein powders down your throat with the casual #ad hashtag at the end of every post. That is not something I believe in and is exactly the opposite of what I hope to achieve by spreading my passion for doTERRA products.

My family and I have been using essential oils for a couple years now. I would never advocate for something I don’t believe in. I use Lavender oil on the bottom of my feet at night and really do sleep better – it’s meant for calming moods. I use doTERRA shampoo and conditioner, which work wonderfully together, and the scents of orange, lime, and peppermint help to wake me up in the mornings. I have used tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca, on my acne scars for over two years now and have seen drastic changes in my complexion. I love it. I use what doTERRA calls Deep Blue, it feels like icy-hot, on my sore muscles after a workout or on the back of my neck for tension headaches. Peppermint on my temples has also proven to reduce pain when a migraine comes on, it’s cooling and quick acting. Oh, and lemon oil rubbed on a stomach does wonders for hangovers. Best part? All of these products are completely natural and extracted in an environmentally friendly way from different locations around the world.

I use these products. I have experienced their multiple benefits and heard others tell miraculous stories about their experiences, too. I really do love how these oils help enhance my mood and health. The human body and mind are capable of healing themselves naturally. doTERRA essential oils help to support and improve the ways our bodies already know how to function. By not adding anything unnatural to your body, like drugs and medicine, and trying essential oils instead, you are simply helping your body to function in ways it is already designed to do.

I love how powerful and complex human bodies are and I have always believed in the strength of a positive mindset. Combining these with essential oils has helped me to live my best life. Seriously.

So no, I won’t constantly nag you about trying these products or attending future events I host, but I will share the changes I have seen in my life in hopes of inspiring others to try doTERRA essential oils for themselves. I am eager to bring these to my community, sell them to those who want to make a change in their lives for the better, and educate others on why essential oils really do work.

Thank you in advance for supporting my new business venture! I am more than willing to answer any questions and share my personal stories.

Cheers to working hand in hand with nature to change the quality of our lives. It’s the way life should be (can you tell I’m from Maine?).

XOXO – Autumn K. Dube

Learn more on my personal doTERRA website: 


What Being a Positive Person Really Means

Old Port, Maine

If you know me at all, you’ve heard me stress the importance of living life with a positive mindset. I’d happily accept the title of ‘broken record’, referring to how often I repeat those words, but I would never label myself as a hypocrite.

One of my friends called me this in a conversation we had while I was still at college. It was a talk filled with lots of emotions and no filters when it came to speaking our minds. Yikes, I know. “You are a positive person and you always talk about that but you’re not constantly happy and that’s hypocritical. And you even complain about things in your life, too.” Correct. These are all accurate observations but definitely not aspects of myself that I should be ashamed of or criticized for.

After reflecting on the words that left me feeling bitter, they became easier to swallow than I would have expected. It all comes down to what positivity means to an individual person, as most things in life do. In my eyes, and compared to my old self, I am proudly living as the happiest version of myself despite what that may look like to others.

Living a positive life doesn’t mean walking around with a smile plastered across your face every single second. It doesn’t mean being upbeat 24/7 and only having good things happen to you. And it definitely doesn’t mean you have to love everyone and everything that comes into your life. This constant bubbliness would actually lead me to insanity, it’s simply not natural to be “on” all the time.

Becoming a positive person means deepening your understanding of yourself and what makes you happy. It’s the realization that happiness comes from within. It’s prioritizing your needs but also recognizing the joy that comes from helping others. And it’s being able to love yourself, flaws and all.

A positive mindset is a safe place you create for yourself. It’s where you can breathe easy when things aren’t going your way or you’re simply having an off day. Smiling like a fool doesn’t make you a positive person, but choosing to not dwell on the hard times or carry anger with you, does.

Everyone experiences hardships. These difficult times are what allow you to have empathy for others and gain appreciation for the little things in life. You will surely feel a range of emotions when tough times find you. You are entitled to express these emotions and feel them wholly, as this is how you heal. But the next step is where you define yourself. Do you want to stay at this low in your life or choose to live in brighter days?

I choose to follow the sun.

Even when I complain, stress out, or feel upset I choose to not make that my permanent mindset. I feel my emotions as they come, and seek out comfort from loved ones as needed, but then I find ways to move past them. There are some people who sadly can’t see the positive sides of situations but instead bring others down with their negativity. That’s not enjoyable or healthy for anyone but sometimes it’s inevitable. After many years of searching in all the wrong places, I finally know what it means to be happy and I come back to this state of mind daily through gratitude and love. It takes time and experience to learn and trust in the beauty of your life, but choosing happiness is easier than you may expect.

Cheers loves, bring on the sunshine!

XO – Autumn

Just Say Thank You

Future is Female
Future is Female – Neighborhood’s Cafe, Boston

Every day I take the time to write in my gratitude journal. It takes five minute tops and it’s something I truly enjoy doing. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on everything I have to be thankful for, no matter what kind of day I’m having.

I recently held a program at my college and handed out gratitude journals to random people. I explained the basic concept and the importance of thankfulness. One girl asked me, “Do you really find something to be thankful for every day?” I never thought this could be deemed a difficult task. She was amazed when I said “yes” without hesitation and I was shocked she even asked that question in the first place.

I feel that many people believe being thankful is associated with big things. Having a lot of money, welcoming a new life into the world, or even getting the perfect job. These are all wonderful reasons to be thankful but if we just focus on the big-ticket items we miss out on living a life of gratitude, and that in itself isn’t something to pass up.

I took the time to explain to the baffled girl how easy it is to find something in each day to celebrate. The perfectly crispy bacon at brunch, a kind text message from a friend, a sunny morning, or even a heads-up penny on the ground. Some of my friends may laugh at my amazement with nature or love for simple moments, but I know this appreciation for the little things is what allows me to be a positive person. And better yet, my outlook helps to connect me with others who share this same quality.

Embracing a mindset of thankfulness allows for even more blessings to enter your life. If you can be grateful for the big things, then you can easily learn to appreciate the minor things too. Plus, it just makes for better days to choose to say thank you for what you have instead of focusing on the things you lack. Because what’s the point in dwelling on the negatives?

It really is easy to attract goodness into your own life. Simply start by saying “thank you” and go from there.

Cheers loves! May you all find endless reasons to be grateful each day.

XOXO – Autumn

“I’m busy.”

Rose Garden, Boston

Busy. Everyone wants to be seen as busy. Our culture promotes the idea that a busy lifestyle means you’re worth something. It means you’re actually doing something, contributing to society in some way. Whether it’s taking crazy course loads or working overtime at your job, being busy means you’re being productive. In other words, you’re not just sitting around.

It makes us feel good to utter the words, “I’m so busy,” does it not? We tend to compare our lives to others, seeing who’s schedule is more demanding, and subtly declaring a “winner” based upon that alone.

I have always supported this hectic lifestyle. Getting involved in as many things as possible, pushing my limits each day, and challenging myself to still be better than everyone else who are doing similar things. Yes, I’m a bit of a competitor. I love the rush that comes with being busy and feeling as though I’m in demand. But at what cost?

I’m a senior this year (yayy!). I’m involved in just as many things as I have been these past years but for some reason I don’t feel as stressed. I actually have some solid free time! I know, crazy right? Funny thing is, I’m not sure what to do with myself. Is it okay to simply kick back and relax? Shouldn’t I be looking for something to do or getting ahead on homework? I was creating stress from my thoughts of what I could be doing, not even what I had to do.

I’ve made the decision to cave. To appreciate my free time and be okay with doing nothing. Eat Pray Love, one of my favorite books, holds a memorable and applicable quote, “The sweetness of doing nothing,” as they say in Italy.

It’s a refreshing thought. How doing nothing can be absolutely beautiful. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t make something of yourself, probably because I disagree with a lazy lifestyle. But why does relaxing have to be seen as a bad thing? Why can’t we enjoy the moments we get to take a breather, and better yet enjoy them with people we love.

I know I’m excited to embrace this new mindset as I take on my last year of college. It doesn’t feel natural, at least not yet, but I want it to. So here’s to coffee dates, pointless walks in the city, and afternoons reading books for pleasure.

If you really think about it, we’d all be a bit happier if we took this time for ourselves. We may feel obligated to constantly stay busy but maybe it doesn’t always have to be that way.

XOXO – Autumn